Air Conditioner Running Costs in 2020. How much?

How much money are you spending in air condtioning running costs?

For Australia, running costs of air conditioners vary greatly depending on many different factors. What are those factors and is there anything you can do to reduce running costs?

Calculating the running cost of modern day inverter systems must take into account varying factors. These can include the inverter technology of the unit, the climate zone of where it is to be installed and local costs of electricty.

Your Climate Zone

Australia is a vast country and climates vary greatly from one end to the other. This also has an effect on the running costs of an air conditioner. In more extreme climates an air conditioner would need to work harder and would be used more frequently when compared to a more temperate climate.

For example Melbourne is considered to be in an Oceanic Climate, Adelaide is more a Mediteranian Climate while Northen Queensland a Tropical Climate.

These climatic differences must be factored in when considering running costs.

Australia Climate Zone Map
Australia Electricty Comparison Map

Your Local Electrical Costs

The average cost of electricty in Australia varies from state to state.

According to the latest Residential Electricty Price Trends 2019 by the Australian Energy Market Commission the average cost in 2019/2020 is 30.35c/kwh.

For example while Queensland averages 25.52c/kwh, South Australia pays on average 37.68c/kwh. That's an increase of 48%.

Electricty costs also vary from different providers. For more acurate calculations of costs we recommend looking at your own individual electricty account to see what you're paying.

What are the average running costs?

PEAM100GAA 2.39 4.18 2.51 4.46 $0.73 $0.76
PEAM125GAA 3.52 3.55 3.27 4.28 $1.07 $0.99
PEAM140GAA 4.1 3.41 3.9 4.10 $1.24 $1.18
*The information in this table is based upon data provided by the manufacturer and an Australian average electricty rate in 2020 of 30.35c/kwh. Running costs are also based upon average running times of residential air conditioning systems during Summer and Winter months. The running costs here are provided as a guide only and will vary greatly depending on individual circumstances.
Clean air conditioning filters regularly and reduce running costs

Regular Maintenance

Other factors to consider is the maintenance of the system.

If an air conditioning system is poorly maintained this can affect running costs dramatically. If filters are not checked and cleaned regularly, this can not only reduce the performance but can increase running costs. The unit has to run longer and the inverter will be running at a maximum capacity.

Installation Quality

An air conditioning system must be installed correctly and selected to sufficiently cool and heat the area required.

An undersized air conditioning system may cost you less at the start, but over time the running costs will be alot more as the unit runs for longer and struggles to maintain temperature.

If you own a ducted system, this needs to be properly sealed. If duct joins are leaking, this reduces system performance and increases running costs.

Upgrade to a more energy efficient air conditioning system

Because of advances in technology, the latest inverter air conditioning systems are much more energy efficient to run than similar capacity units from just 20 years ago. If you would like more information or would like to organise an estimate to have your air conditioning replaced please get in contact with us.

Are you one of our previous customers? We would love to hear your feedback on your system that we installed for you!

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