We ensure every one of our air conditioning installations throughout Adelaide from small wall splits through to large ducted are carried out in a professional manner with high standards in our workmanship.

Icon of mechanically securing

Fixed Securely

We make sure your system is mechanically secure throughout.

Icon of speaker reducing noise

Minimise Vibration and Noise

Various steps are taken to keep noise and vibration as minimal as possible.

Icon of flexible ductwork for efficient airflow

Sealed Ductwork

Flexible ductwork is tightly sealed and supported for efficient airflow.

Icon for properly installed refrigeration pipework

Neat Pipework + Wiring

All refrigeration pipework and electrical wiring is installed neatly and professionaly to industry standards.

Icon of caring for your property while installing

Respect Property

We will protect and respect your home and garden while we work.

Icon of happy customer after installing their air conditioning system

Complete system review

A thorough instruction of your new system to help you operate it efficiently.

We understand a ducted air conditioning system is a major investment. That’s why we make sure no shortcuts are taken to give you the best value in the system and professional installation. Please find below just a few of the steps we take to provide you a total overall quality installation.

Secured System

When we install your system we make sure it is firmly secured. The ducted indoor unit will be mounted in the ceiling, suspended from roof trusses using strong brackets and threaded metal rods. All refrigeration pipework, electrical wiring and condensate drain will be neatly run and securely saddled and cable tied as required.

Reducing Vibration and Noise

Mitsubishi Electric units are already renowned for their quiet operation but we take further steps to ensure noise and vibration are kept as low as practical.

The indoor unit will be suspended from your roof through metal rods, keeping the weight of the unit off your ceiling joists to minimise noise and vibration.

The outdoor unit will be mounted on heavy duty isolation waffle pads to reduce noise and vibration.

Example of Mitsubishi Electric outdoor unit securely installed
Example of Mitsubishi Electric ducted system layout for proper airflow

Flexible Ductwork

When we install flexible ductwork we make sure it is pulled tight so the inner lining is relatively smooth for minimal airflow friction.

All ductwork joints are v-clamped together then the inner lining is sealed with several layers of duct tape. Insulation is pulled over the joint and taped securely then finally the outer jacket is brought over the joint and taped with more layers of tape. We do this to make sure no air leaks occur at any of the joints.

Where required we make sure the ductwork is supported by strap to keep the ductwork bends smooth and the airflow at optimal efficiency.

Pipework and Wiring

All refrigeration pipework and electrical wiring will be carefully run in a uniform and neat, structured layout. There will be no excessive loops of pipework and wasted materials, everything shall be clipped and neatly run. No twisted or excess wiring stuffed in corners or down wall cavities.

Respect for Your Property

We make sure that your floors and garden is protected from any damage. We keep our workspace as tidy as possible to minimise interuption. Once we are completed we will clean and remove any rubbish, leaving your place as we found it.

Complete System Overview

Our installation team on completion of your system will go through the controls with you detailing every aspect of your new air conditioning unit to help you gain the most benefit from it.

Using smartphone to operate their Mitsubshi Electric air conditioning system
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